Fakhrielddine Bader

Fakhrielddine Bader

Post-doctoral fellow in Applied Mathematics

IHU-Liryc & IMB, Université de Bordeaux

Welcome to my homepage!

I am a post-doctoral fellow in Applied Mathematics at the University of Bordeaux, affiliated with both the Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux (IMB) and IHU-Liryc, under the supervision of Dr. Edward Vigmond (CARP LAB team leader). My post-doctoral topic concerns the modeling of atrial fibrillation at a very fine scale (MICROCARD project).

Download my curriculum vitae .

  • Partial differential equations
  • Homogenization theory
  • Cardiac electrophysiology
  • Numerical simulation
  • Asymptotic and multiscale analysis
  • PhD in Applied Mathematics, 2021

    École Centrale de Nantes & Lebanese University

  • Master 2 in Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, 2018

    Nantes University

  • Master 1 in Pure Mathematics, 2017

    Lebanese University

Current projects



Modelling of Atrial Fibrillation at a very Fine Scale


and preprints

(2021). Three scale unfolding homogenization method applied to cardiac bidomain model. In Acta Applicandae Mathematicae.


(2021). Derivation of a new macroscopic bidomain model including three scales for the electrical activity of cardiac tissue. In Journal of Engineering Mathematics.


(2021). Multi-scale unfolding homogenization method applied to bidomain and tridomain electrocardiology models. In Doctoral dissertation, École Centrale de Nantes & Lebanese University.

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ESILV - École supérieure d'ingénieurs Léonard-de-Vinci
Teaching Assistant
Sep 2023 – Present France

Responsibilities (171h) include:

  • Mathematical tools for engineers, First year of the preparatory engineering cycle, 27h PS (Pratical Sessions).
  • Probabilities 1, First year of the preparatory engineering cycle, 15h PS.
  • Derivation & integration, First year of the preparatory engineering cycle, 18h PS.
  • Analysis of several variables, Second year of the preparatory engineering cycle, 36h PS.
  • Series, Second year of the preparatory engineering cycle, 27h PS.
  • Probabilities, Second year of the preparatory engineering cycle, 48h PS.
ICAM - Institut Catholique d'Arts et Métiers
Teaching Assistant
Sep 2023 – Feb 2024 France

Responsibilities (182h) include:

  • Mathematics OP Exp1/Exp2, First year General Engineering, 26h LC (Lecture Courses), 75h PS (Pratical Sessions) and 26h SW (Support Work).
  • Mathematics O1 Exp4, Second year General Engineering, 21h LC and 28h PS.
  • Mathematics I3, Third year General Engineering, 6h PS.
University of Rennes 1
Research and Teaching Assistant
Sep 2022 – Aug 2023 France

Responsibilities (192h) include:

  • Complementary math for the engineering course, Second year Mathematics-Physics-Computer Science, 24h LC (Lecture Courses), 24h PS (Pratical Sessions) and CL (Computer Labs) with Matlab.
  • Computer tools B, Second year Mathematics-Physics-Computer Science, 24h CL with Python.
  • Maths for Biology 2, First year Biology, Environment and Chemistry, 18h PS.
  • Linear algebra 4, Second year Mathematics-Physics-Computer Science, 24h PS.
  • Mathematics 1, First year Computer Science and Electronics, 40h PS.
  • Mathematical tools 1, First year Physics-Chemistry, Earth Sciences and Mechanics, 30h PS.
La Rochelle University
Research and Teaching Assistant
Sep 2021 – Aug 2022 France

Responsibilities (192h) include:

  • General Mathematics, First year Mathematics, 66h PS (practical sessions).
  • Mathematics for Natural Sciences, First year Biology-Chemistry, 16,5h PS.
  • Mathematics 1, First year Mathematics, 16,5h PS.
  • Mathematics 2, First year Mathematics, 16,5h PS.
  • Integration and differential equations, First year Civil Engineering, 12h PS.
  • Linear algebra 2, Second year Civil Engineering, 10,5h PS.
  • Primitives-Differential equations, First year Mathematics, 24h PS.
  • Mathematics Remediation, First year Mathematics, 30h PS.
